How to Apply for a Retirement Visa in Thailand: A Step-by-Step Guide (Updated: 2024)

Retirement Visa is one of the easiest Visa to apply for for long stay in Thailand when you are over 50 years old. It’s requirement is rather straight forward and the application has a high and fast approval rate. Here are the key steps to apply for a Retirement Visa in Thailand.

1. Eligibility Check:

  • Ensure you meet the age requirement (typically 50 years and above).
  • Confirm financial eligibility, demonstrating a consistent income or savings such as: You need to have THB800,000 saving in a Thai Bank account for at least 3 months before your application date or you can proof that you have a regular monthly income / remittance of THB65,000 for the past 12 months.

2. Non-Immigrant “O-A” Visa:

  • Apply for a Non-Immigrant “O-A” Visa from a Thai embassy or consulate in your home country.

3. Supporting Documents:

  • Prepare necessary documents, including a passport with at least one-year validity, proof of income, and a completed visa application form.

4. Financial Requirements:

  • Demonstrate financial stability through monthly income or a lump sum in a Thai bank account. The minimum financial requirements may vary.

5. Health Insurance:

  • Obtain health insurance coverage meeting Thailand’s specified criteria, including coverage for medical expenses and hospitalization.

6. Visa Application Submission:

  • Submit your visa application along with all required documents to the Thai embassy or consulate.

7. Approval and Entry to Thailand:

  • Once your visa is approved, you will be granted a one-year stay in Thailand.
  • Upon entry, report to the local Immigration Office within 90 days to confirm your address.

8. Extension of Stay:

  • Extend your stay annually by reporting to the Immigration Office, providing updated documents to prove financial stability.

9. Re-entry Permit:

  • If you plan to leave Thailand temporarily, obtain a re-entry permit to maintain your retirement visa status.

10. Additional Tips:

  • Keep abreast of any changes in visa requirements and regulations.
  • Utilize online resources, including the Thai Immigration Bureau’s official website, for up-to-date information.


Applying for a retirement visa in Thailand involves careful planning and adherence to specific requirements. Following these steps will help you navigate the application process smoothly, ensuring a seamless transition to retirement life in the Land of Smiles. Remember to stay informed about any updates to visa regulations for a hassle-free experience.

If you rather have someone else to take care of all these requirements for you or if you need an extra hand to bypass the financial requirement, give us a yell or check out: