What’s the best way to obtain necessary Visa / Permit to stay in Thailand for a long time

There are many ways you can stay and work in Thailand. At UnionSPACE we specialize in assisting foreigners who want to stay, live and work in Thailand by obtaining the most suitable Visa and/or Work Permit based on the present situation.

What Visa and Work Permit solution do we offer?

1. Being a business owner and obtain a Work Permit & Non B Visa for yourself *most popular*

Most suitable for: Individuals who intend to do some business in Thailand while they are staying here and may be interested to bring along their direct family members such as their spouse, parents or children below 20 years old. Work Permit and Non B Visa holder is allow to bring their direct family member under Dependent Visa 

Cost: THB155,000

What is included:

– Company Setup

– VAT Approved Virtual Office

– Shareholder-as-a-Service

– Thais-as-a-Employees

– Work Permit & Non B Visa application

– Professional Fee & Gov’t Fee

Other Cost: Monthly accounting fee, EOY Accounting Closing fee — only applicable if you intend to renew your Work Permit and Non B Visa

Advantage of having your own Company + Work Permit + Non B Visa

-This is the strongest Permit/Visa you could have to stay in Thailand. It also gives you the most benefit in terms of being on par in rights and access to gov’t services as Thais

– Work Permit & Non B Visa holders are allowed to bring your spouse, parents and children below 20 years old under dependent visa

– Work Permit & Non B Visa holder can easily open personal bank account and purchase the same insurance as Thai

– Work Permit & Non B Visa holder can also enjoy all the Social Security Benefits as Thais

For more information, please visit our Complete Company Setup + Work Permit + Non B Visa page or contact us via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/66620155533 or Line: https://lin.ee/sqS7VlQ

2. Sponsored Work Permit & Non B Visa

In layman terms is, you’ll get a Work Permit from another company but you do not need to work for them nor you will receive salary from them. This method is more suitable for individual who are engage in some remote work set up and are getting paid from abroad but would like to stay and work from Thailand. In the gov’t system, you are employed by a local Thai Company and that’s how you get your Work Permit and Non B Visa.

Cost: THB185,000

What is included:

– Non B Visa (1 year)

– Work Permit (1 year)

– Personal Income Tax (paid for 1 year)

Advantage of Sponsored Work Permit

– No hassle. You only need to pay 1 amount for 1 whole year. Nothing else to worry about. No need to do visa run or Visa extension.

– Sponsored Work Permit & Non B Visa holder can easily open personal bank account and purchase the same insurance as Thai

– Sponsored Work Permit & Non B Visa holder can also enjoy all the Social Security Benefits as Thais

For more information, please visit our Sponsored Work Permit page or contact us via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/66620155533 or Line: https://lin.ee/sqS7VlQ

3) Retirement Visa

If you are over 50 years old, this is the visa to apply for. It is one of the easiest and cheapest to obtain. It allows you to stay in Thailand for 1 year at a time and it is also renewable.

Cost: THB72,000

What is included:

– Retirement Visa Application

– Bank Account Opening

– Satisfying the THB800,000 Bank Balance requirement

Advantage of Retirement Visa

– Your Retirement Visa is easily renewal year after year

– You do not have to purchase mandatory health insurance to have a Retirement Visa.

– You can travel in and out of Thailand as often as you need to.

For more information, visit Retirement Visa page or contact us via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/66620155533 or Line: https://lin.ee/sqS7VlQ

4) Visa Extension 

You have been here in Thailand for a while and you kind of like it here and would like to extend your stay. We can help you extend your Visa based on your current situation as well as the available route. In Thailand, the government offer many different incentive for foreigners to extend their stay as they see every day a foreigner stay in Thailand, they are pumping in around THB5,000 into the economy.

Let us help you with your Visa Extension. It is best to speak with us at least 1 week before your Visa expiry.

5) Thai Permanent Resident

Thailand appear to be very appealing to many people and if you like Thailand this much and would like to overcome the need to renew your Visa year after year, applying for a Thai Permanent Resident is the way to go. Thai Permanent Resident is just 1 step below a Thai Citizen and it is also the route for you to apply for Thai Citizenship.

To obtain a Thai Permanent Residency, you need to be on the same Work Permit and Visa for at least 3 years and reports a personal income tax of at least THB80,000 per month for 3 consecutive years. Once you qualify for this you can then apply for Thai Permanent Resident and it is almost guarantee for you to get it if you can comply to the requirement stated earlier.

1) Stayed on the same Visa and Work Permit for 3 years

2) Report a THB80,000 personal income tax per month for 3 consecutive years.

For more information, please visit our Thai Permanent Resident page or contact us via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/66620155533 or Line: https://lin.ee/sqS7VlQ